Get Off Your Arse: A ran-dumb blog to get you moving, by a bit of a nudge and a bit of a push.

Why The High?
La Ultra - The High Rajat Chauhan La Ultra - The High Rajat Chauhan

Why The High?

How did La Ultra - The High get started? Everyone looks at a snapshot and wants to judge your whole life. La Ultra - The High didn’t happen overnight and it definitely isn’t just me. We’ll take you on the journey of how it all got started.

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If I can't do, I doubt if anyone else ever can
La Ultra - The High Rajat Chauhan La Ultra - The High Rajat Chauhan

If I can't do, I doubt if anyone else ever can

This is a biography of a disgruntled ultra-runner who truly believes that if he can’t do something, than obviously no one else ever can. He just suffers from what is generally the problem with the society at large today. He’s self-righteous but at the same time a nay-sayer, discouraging others to get started or keep moving. Who needs enemies when you are blessed with ‘fraternity friends’ like this.

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Why do anything?
La Ultra - The High Rajat Chauhan La Ultra - The High Rajat Chauhan

Why do anything?

In life you reach a point where you stop feeling... yes feeling anything. No pain, no fear, no anger, no joy, no disgust, no trust or mistrust, no anticipation, no surprise, no sadness, no thirst, no hunger, no depression, no hate, no love, no nothing. But you have to go through all of them and much more, literally to abysmally lows and higher than highest highs to get there. And then you suddenly realise that nothing matters. You and everything else around you is simply insignificant.

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