Get Off Your Arse: A ran-dumb blog to get you moving, by a bit of a nudge and a bit of a push.

55 kms at 10th edition of La Ultra - The High
If you’ve risked your life by running a full marathon(s) in gas-chambers of modern cities of ‘civilised’ world, here is your chance to push it a bit further in scenic Ladakh, by running 55 kms over Wari-La, a high mountain pass not yet infested by tourists who can’t differentiate between Goa and Ladakh.
To be your best, be at peace with your pieces
Instead of hiding the imperfection, instead of shunning the brokenness, the implication is that there is value in being broken and coming back whole, there is value in falling down and bouncing back up. The cracks add to the beauty, to the experience.

Learnings from Netflix: The Dawn Wall
The Dawn Wall is an attempt to climb the impossible wall by someone who the society had given up on. This blog is about learnings from this documentary esp. Kintsugi (Golden Joinery) & Wabi-Sabi (Impermanence & Imperfection).

Reducing stress and performing optimally during examinations
Do we teach our kids to focus not just on their “doings” but also on their “beings?” What makes their hearts and souls beautiful and unique? What makes them happy and at peace? What virtues can we laud and appreciate? What do they have to show the world, which goes beyond academic accomplishments?
Exercise and Sports should be fun for kids, not chore or punishment
Once exercise and sports has a negative connotation, children would not be excited about them in the future even when they become aware of all their benefits. As parents, teachers and mentors we need to be careful because our well meaning actions could scar the next generation for life.

To be of any use to your loved ones, first help yourself. Move!
In 2014, 33 year old wholesome Amit, weighing at 104kgs, had taken his mother to hospital for kidney disease but was shocked to find his own blood sugars to be crazy high. This is his transformational story of moving for himself and his loved ones. This is a longer version of my column Run&Bee in Hindustan Times.

India Inc. motivated to be more active to get fit for their families
I would have never guessed that half of India Inc. employees would want to be more active to get fit for their families, as compared to a quarter who would for their own personal goals. That’s what Dr Divya Parashar and I found on a survey done at the Knowledge Conclave of Global Association for Corporate Services (GACS) focusing on Travel, Tourism and Hospitality as part of white-paper for Corporate Wellness Program we co-authored.

Stop preaching children to be active, start moving with them
Kids today are not as active or healthy as our generation (35-50 yrs) when we were young because the comforts are much more now. Rather than preaching them to be active, we need to start moving with them. Be a role model.

Transforming to a nation of leaders than followers
No one is extra-ordinary. Actions are!: Last weekend, while the thousands ran Mumbai marathon, 3 ordinary working class Indians, made their way to Brazil135 ultra marathon, and made India proud. Followers had become leaders. That is the need of the hour.

New look Back 2 Fitness
I had planned to have 100 centres across the country in 10 years. The first one was to start in Bangalore, and it did. I sat in Cafe Coffee Day in Total Mall, Sharjahpur Road, Bangalore, along with my friend Satya and scribbled a name on a tissue paper. Back 2 Fitness.